Willkommen bei Oberheiden P.C.

Dr. iur. Nick Oberheiden, J.D. (UCLA)

Willkommen bei Oberheiden P.C.

Dr. iur. Nick Oberheiden, J.D. (UCLA)


Kanzleiinhaber. Dr. Nick Oberheiden ist ein US-amerikanischer Prozessanwalt und Verfassungsexperte. Nach seinem Studium der Rechte u.a. in München, Hamburg, Bochum und Heidelberg (Dr. iur.) hat Dr. Oberheiden den amerikanischen JurisDoctorvon der University of California in Los Angeles erworben. Seine Kanzlei, überwiegend zusammengesetzt aus ehemaligen Bundesstaatsanwälten des U.S. Department of Justice, gilt als eine der führenden Wirtschaftskanzleien der USA mit Anwälten in Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, Charleston, Oklahoma City, Detroit, New Orleans und Portland.

Praxisschwerpunkt. Dr. Oberheiden ist regelmäßig in Verfahren von nationaler Bedeutung involviert und vertritt hochrangige Politiker, Wirtschaftsführer und internationale Mandanten in Bundesverfahren vor dem amerikanischen Justizministerium, dem FBI, sowie dem Außen- und Verteidigungsministerium. So war Dr. Oberheiden in weit über 400 FBI-Ermittlungsverfahren—darunter das Ermittlungsverfahren gegen den ehemaligen Anwalt des Präsidenten, Michael Cohen, verschiedene Korruptionsverfahren gegen Mitglieder des Bundesaußenministeriums, FBI Korruptionsverfahren gegen Exekutivorgane sowie einige der größten Betrugsverfahren in der Geschichte der USA—jeweils an vorderster Front als Verteidiger direkt involviert.

Medien. Amerikanische und internationale Medien konsultieren Dr. Oberheiden regelmäßig zu komplexen Fragen des US-amerikanischen Verfassungsrechts, Entscheidungen des U.S. Supreme Court sowie aktuellen Zivil- und Strafrechtsprozessen von nationaler oder internationaler Bedeutung. In dieser Funktion wurde Dr. Oberheiden von Medien in allen 50 U.S.-Bundesstaaten interviewt.

Themenschwerpunkte. Dr. Oberheiden bietet seine fundierten Kenntnisse zum US-amerikanischen Recht, seine Prozesserfahrung sowie seine enge Involvierung in die US-amerikanische Politik mit folgenden Themenschwerpunkten an:

  • Präsidentenwahlen in den USA
  • Alltagsfragen zum US-Recht
  • Spezialgebiet: FBI Ermittlungen
  • US-amerikanisches Verfassungsrecht
  • Aktuelle Rechtsfälle
  • Internationale Rechtsbeziehungen der USA
  • US-amerikanisches Völkerrecht
  • Amerikanische Gerichtsentscheidungen
  • Gesundheitsrecht
  • Allgemein: Studium des Rechts in den USA

Anfragen sind bitte wie folgt zu stellen:


  • Dr Nick Oberheiden is a truly excellent attorney in every way! He’s knowledgeable and responds to all phone calls and emails swiftly. He is concise, and puts information in understandable terms. He is happy to explain and clarify any confusing matters or material. He will put your mind at ease immediately. For me, it was like a superhero was protecting and helping me through what was one of the most stressful situations of my professional life! Nick is worth every single bit of the five star rating from me, and from other clients who have given him five star reviews as well!

    Katherine R.
  • As a former supervising investigator with a large New York State agency investigating health care fraud, I have conferred with many defense attorneys over my thirty-year career. I can honestly say that I was not impressed with many of them, that is, until I met Dr. Nick Oberheiden. Not only is he an exceptional attorney, who provides his clients with expert strategic legal guidance, he is highly regarded for his extraordinary character and integrity. Nick is extremely ethical and always has his clients’ best interests at heart. Today, I am proud, honored and privileged to work with Nick in assisting him with his clients’ needs, whether it is to determine if they have any criminal liability or to proactively establish a compliance program to prevent them from falling victim to any government audit/investigation. Nick works very efficiently – saving his clients time and money. So, if you are looking for an attorney to represent you or to offer you expert guidance, don’t hesitate and contact Dr. Nick Oberheiden. You’ll be glad you did!

    Greg M.
  • As a healthcare regulatory expert consultant and witness I have worked with a lot of attorneys over the years! But only a few actually stand out and would be someone I would refer my family or closest friends to if they had a legal need. One of these attorneys is without a doubt Nick Oberheiden! Nick is extremely knowledgeable, professional, and plays chess while the other side is playing checkers. The old adage you get what you pay for is never more truer in Nick’s case. Highly recommended when your license and/or freedom is on the line!

    Mike S.
  • I have conferred and worked with Nick on several healthcare fraud defense cases, representing doctors, laboratory/pharmacy owners, durable medical equipment providers and marketing companies all investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice. Nick’s level of expertise when it comes to the intricacies of medicare billing, operational regulations and corporate structure is unmatched. His experience and knowledge, combined with his high-level contacts within the Department of Justice, nationwide, make him an invaluable resource to anyone who finds themselves being investigated or audited by the Government. Nick is easy to communicate with, and goes above and beyond to make himself available to his clients and colleagues in their time of need.

    Joseph N.


  • Dr Nick Oberheiden is a truly excellent attorney in every way! He’s knowledgeable and responds to all phone calls and emails swiftly. He is concise, and puts information in understandable terms. He is happy to explain and clarify any confusing matters or material. He will put your mind at ease immediately. For me, it was like a superhero was protecting and helping me through what was one of the most stressful situations of my professional life! Nick is worth every single bit of the five star rating from me, and from other clients who have given him five star reviews as well!

    Katherine R.

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